Sunday, March 1, 2009

Enchanting Review: Dandelion Fire

Middle Grade Fantasy
Random House Children’s
ISBN# 978-0-375-83883-5
480 Pages
Hardcover--Available February 24, 2009

Rating: 3.5 Enchantments

Henry York has two weeks left in Kansas with his Aunt and Uncle before he’s going to be sent back to Boston and his parents--well, one of them, whoever gets custody in their sudden unexpected divorce. Two weeks to explore the cupboards and find out where he’s really from and who he really is. Two weeks really isn’t a long time to make his way through all the cupboards, a timeframe that gets even smaller when what looks like a freak accident seems to render Henry blind.

An imaginative tale, DANDELION FIRE is nothing like I’ve read before. From the unusual raggant, the creature that Henry believes was sent to find him, which has to mean someone in one of the cupboards is out there looking for him too. I have to admit, some of the early chapters were a little hard to follow since I hadn’t read Book 1 in the series, but by the 100 page mark I was totally immersed in the story and actually enjoyed the parts with Uncle Frank and Aunt Dotty not too mention what was happening to Henrietta at times more than Henry. The story splits soon after Henry‘s blindness, following Henry as he fights to get away from the mysterious and evil Darius and get back to the farmhouse; Uncle Frank and Aunt Dotty along with Anastacia and Penelope, along with a few surprise guests; and Henrietta, who finds herself alone in one portal, escaping from being held hostage and trying to find the only person she thinks can help her, Eli. Filled with vivid imagery, a compelling story that makes you wonder if things will work out and the entire family will ever be reunited again, fans of middle grade fantasy will no doubt enjoy this addition to the 100 Cupboards series.

Nathan D. Wilson holds a Master's degree in Liberal Arts from Saint John's College in Annapolis, Maryland (2001). He served as a part-time Lecturer at New Saint Andrews from 2001-2004, and was promoted to Fellow of Literature in the fall of 2004. He still teaches part-time. Visit him online at and check out the 100 Cupboards website at

Enchanting Reviews
February 2009

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