Sunday, June 15, 2008

Enchanting Review: High Dive

Contemporary Young Adult
ISBN# 978-0-375-83024-2
201 Pages
Hardcover – Available now

Rating: 4.5 Enchantments

When her deployed mother decides to sell the family vacation property in Sardinia, it’s up to Arden to travel from New York back to the house she hasn’t seen since her father died to close it up and get it ready for sale. Along the way however, she meets four girls from Texas on their way to France for vacation. In a move quite unlike her, Arden abandons her plans and makes a detour to Paris for a few days she’ll never forget.

Ms. Stein creates a wonderful story in HIGH DIVE. Arden is truly a great character. Dealing with life on her own, she finds herself wishing she stuck with her original travel plans when things in Paris start to go wrong. First the hostel the other girls are staying at has no more rooms and she ends up spending the night in an unseemly room across town, the only thing available in her budget. But as HIGH DIVE moves along Arden discovers more about herself and begins to come to grips with her past and her loss.

I really enjoyed HIGH DIVE. Ms. Stein paints a wonderful picture of Paris through Arden’s eyes and I loved the scenes when Arden realizes she should have went along with her gut, and not her new friends ideas when she had the urge to book a room at the same hostel as them when they first arrived in the city. This is one great book that will stay on my keeper shelf!

Tammar Stein has lived in Israel, Europe and the United States. She is also the author of Light Years which was named a Best Book for Young Adults by the American Library Association. She currently lives in Florida with her husband and their son.

Enchanting Reviews
June 2008

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