Thursday, January 22, 2009

Enchanting Review: You Are So Undead To Me

Paranormal YA
ISBN# 978-1-59514-225-2
256 Pages
Trade--Available January 22, 2009

Rating: 4 Enchantments

Fifteen year old Megan Berry is in for a surprise. Her Zombie Settler powers are returning and it couldn't be at a worse time, right before her first date with Josh, the senior hottie she's been dying to go out with. But suddenly there's a zombie at the door who wants to unload his final burdens in his after-death session and now Megan finds herself remembering things she thought long forgotten: like that horrible zombie attack five years ago.

And then there's the appearance of the mysterious hottie Ethan, another part of her blurred past that right now Megan would give anything to remember. They were friends then but now thanks to the Settlers’ Affairs, he's relegated to the role of bodyguard/tutor and that's the absolute last thing Megan wants. First, she doesn't want one and second, does it have to be Ethan? Especially when she finds out the mega-bitch at school, Monica, is a) also a Zombie Settler, b) was there the night of the horrible zombie attack and c) might just be the one behind the rash of Zombie attacks aimed at Megan.

There were a lot of things I liked about YOU ARE SO UNDEAD TO ME, the zombie settler aspect was really unique and Megan overall has a great persona. I liked the scenes between her and Ethan and the fight scenes were really well done. A lot of the scenes stick in your head after your done the book and the truth of who was really behind the Zombie attacks did come as a bit of a surprise. But as much as I liked it, there were a few parts that seemed a little rough to me. The one scene with Ethan and Megan eating at the car, I had to read a few times to figure out how they moved from parking lot to Megan’s home so suddenly. And some of the Settler aspects weren't really explained and the relationship between Megan and Ethan as well as Megan and some of the other characters was a bit confusing at times.

YOU ARE SO UNDEAD TO ME does lay the groundwork for what should be an entertaining new paranormal series. I look forward to seeing where Ms. Jay takes Megan from here.

Stacey Jay lives in the Midwest. Learn more about her at

Enchanting Reviews
December 2008

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