Monday, November 23, 2009

Enchanting Review: Strange Angels

ISBN# 978-1-59514-251-1
304 Pages
Trade--Available Now

Rating: 4 Enchantments

Dru Anderson’s used to dealing with the ‘Real World’, that is with the paranormal that most people don’t believe or don’t know exists. Zombies, werewolves, ghosts, apparitions, it’s all a part of her day to day life with her monster hunting father. But when her father turns Zombie and she’s forced to take him out to save herself, Dru finds herself all alone for the first time, with something or someone after her. Add in Graves, the mysterious Goth guy from school who’s more than willing to help her out and the appearance of another mysterious guy in Christophe, and things get complicated.

There was a lot about STRANGE ANGELS I liked. The world Ms. St Crow created quickly becomes very real and plausible, especially when her father shows up as a zombie within the first few chapters. I loved the scenes between Dru and Graves at the mall when he first finds her there after her father’s death and takes her in to his hideout of sorts hidden away in the forgotten corner of the mall, an unusual location to be sure. But some parts of the story did seem a little thrown in which tended to pull me out of the story at times and the language did take awhile to get used to. Dru’s a bit of a rough character, which really does fit who she is and how she grew up, fighting ‘real world’ creatures alongside her father, and now finds herself alone in the world with only the mysterious Graves for reluctant company for a good portion of the book. I liked Graves as well, he’s definitely on the mysterious side and the banter between the two is really great. I have to say my favorite scene is when Dru reluctantly takes Graves back to her place in the midst of the snowstorm. After his bite, she’s afraid what he might turn into and ties him down to the bed while he’s asleep. The convo between them the next morning is truly hilarious.

Look for the second book in the series, BETRAYALS: A STRANGE ANGELS novel to be released November 2009.

Lili St. Crow is the author of the Dante Valentine series. She lives in Vancouver, Washington with her husband, three children and a houseful of cats. STRANGE ANGELS is her first YA novel. Visit to find out more.

Enchanting Reviews
August 2009

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